미분류10 정규식 Comma 찍기 String a="12345687979"; System.out.println( "==>"+a.replaceAll("\\B(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))", ",")); ==>12,345,687,979 2018. 7. 17. [Oracle] Using Oracle SQL Developer with MS SQL OracleBlog Helpful ideas and solutions for the Oracle application enthusiast. Check out the archives Tuesday, September 07, 2010 Using Oracle SQL Developer with MS SQL Having chosen Oracle SQL Developer as your preferred Oracle database tool, do you have to install and learn a new technology for supporting your MS SQL databases? Nope! It's easy to connect SQL Developer to MS SQL databases, and I.. 2014. 10. 22. [maven] Move a text file into target folder when compiling a Maven project maven-resources-plugin 2.6 copy-resources validate copy-resources ${basedir}/target/output input true or org.apache.maven.plugins maven-antrun-plugin 1.1 test run Using env.test.properties 2014. 9. 16. [maven] bad path element "": no such file or directory Our config options are (as in the effective POM): maven-compiler-plugin 2.5.1 true true true true 1.6 1.6 1.6 -Xlint:all -Xlint:all 2014. 9. 11. 이전 1 2 3 다음